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commitment therapy

What is ACT?

Life is difficult. Each and every one of us struggle from time to time. At times we find ourselves stuck and lost. ACT takes the stance that we're often doing the best we can. An ACT therapist works with you to help you move towards that struggle to help turn it into a life that feels meaningful and worthwhile.


ACT challenges messages we've received that to be truly healthy, we need to be free of pain. ACT work takes the perspective that all of your experiences are valid and a normal part of being human. In fact, the efforts we take to rid ourselves of those painful experiences are normal too. However, it is often that struggle and ongoing battle with ourselves that brings about unnecessary suffering. We may at times get so caught up in that struggle to keep our suffering at bay, that we neglect to live the rich and important lives that matter to us. 


Work from an ACT approach focuses on increasing sensitivity to human suffering and helps to shift the way we relate to our pain. With a compassionate and mindfulness-based approach, ACT helps to empower and center you and your values. 

ACT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and has been scientifically shown to improve well-being across a range of clinical presentations and ages.  


Professionals: Contact me if you're interested in ACT consultation. 

© 2018 by Melissa Connally, Ph.D. &

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